Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chapter One continued......

Welcome to Silent Hill.. Silent Hill.. Maybe she called for help here..

*walking while enter Silent Hill*

This town.. It's quiet.. Too quiet.. No wonder it's called Ghost Town.. The town of Silent Hill was foggy.. Or haze maybe but it's cold.. Like a semi-blizzard kind..
I hope that there are somebody in this town. "Claire?? Claire??!!", I yelled. Where is she? Where could she be?? So I continue walking until I reached a cafe. I entered the cafe, it was dark. Good thing I brought a flashlight. Then, I turned on my flashlight. I was surprised when the light pointed to a lady. 55 years old maybe. Then I asked her.

"Excuse me mam.. Have you seen my daughter?? She's seven.. About erm.. The tall of that tiny cupboard. Here's her picture.."

I showed Claire's picture that was taken from my wallet.

"Hmm.. never seen her before.. What's the matter? Does she run away from home?", the lady replied.

" No.. No.. We had a car crash and I was fainted instantly. And, when I woke up, she was gone.. "

" So, you're not from here aren't you? ", the lady asked.

" No, no.. Actually I'm here because something caught my mind. ", I replied.

" Hmm.. In that case, how about you go the police station just a mile from here. Do you need a map sir? "

" Oh yes mam.. Do you have it? ", I asked.

" Yes, here. Take it. " the lady lend the map.

" Thank you very much. ", and then I got out from the cafe and then I stepped on something.. I looked down and it was my Iphone. I took it immediately to check whether it's broken or not and thank god, it's still works. So, I'm on my way to the police station guided by the map. The GPS signal did not work here..

Half steps later, I received a call from.. Home?? I answered the call.

" Hello?? Who is this? Why are you in my house?? "

Then it was like the sound of a broken TV heard from the call.

" kzzzt.. kzzt.. Daddy??.... kzzt.. "

" Claire?? Claire? How did you get home?? "

" kzzzt.. kzzt.. Daddy.. kzzt.. you must run daddy!!.. kzzzt.. It's to dangerous.. "

" Dangerous? Sweety?? Are you okay? Who took you home?? "

" There are too many.. kzzzzt.. you must run daddy!! kzzzt.. you can't fight them! "

" What many? Fight them? Claire?? "

" kzzzt... Daddy RUN!!! kzzzt.. " ( off call )

" Claire?? Sweetie?? Claire?!! Damn it!! Wait a minute.. Run from what? "

Then the wall starts to crumble and the ground starts shaking.. The trees, cars, buildings turned to ice.. Snow were everywhere.. The sky was dark.. It's gets colder and colder.. What's happening here?? What's going on?? Why is everything changing to solid ice?? Then, there was me.. Alone..

Chapter One : Welcome to Silent Hill

December 14th, 2009...
11.40 pm..

According to my iPhone GPS.. Silent Hill was not found via sattelite. Maybe the town was erased or something.. Then I switch it to 'Internet' and click 'Google Chrome'..
So, I searched again the article and click on 'Map - Road to Silent Hill'.
Well, right now I'm at... Fordson Highway. From here to there, it'll take me an hour.
But not from the highway, I need to use a road which is far from the highway. There, I will find a signboard with three directions.

1. Castletown Hill
2. Silent Hill
3. Yellowstone

Yep... It's going to be a night of a lifetime.. So, I followed the original map as navigated..

12.40 am..

I'm getting all tired.. My eyes felt heavy.. But I have to keep driving. As I looked beside me, my lovely daughter Claire sleeping. Meanwhile, I heard a motor engine sound came from behind. As I looked through the back mirror, I saw a police motorcycle trying to catch me. I don't know why, or maybe that I'm a stranger in this road. Weirdly, the police officer just drove and passed by me with lightspeed.
" What's the matter with that woman? Drunk or something? ", I spoke to myself.
About two minutes later, while driving, I saw the officer's motorcyle, crashed beside the road, with no driver. " Weird.", I said.. Then I saw a signboard mentioned in the article. So I took the center road to go to Silent Hill. Silent Hill is located beside Castletown Hill. But, Silent Hill is at the other side of the hill, lower than Castletown Hill. Silent Hill is not far and I could see that I'm gonna reach the top hill but out of nowhere, I saw a shadowy figure on the road. It was a girl!! I tried to avoid the girl and then my car lost control. The car was spinning so fast until Claire woke up. Claire and I scream and the car hit the left side of the hill with a big BANG!! My eyes were deceive.. I can't move and then I fainted..

That morning..

" Ermh... Erh... erh.. " *panting* " Ww..Wh..What happened?.. Argh.. my head.. All I remember was the crash.... and that girl..... huhh.... Claire, are you o..... Claire?? Claire??!!".. *get out from car* "Claire?? Claire where you?? Where are you sweetie??!! Claire!! God!!"..

Claire was not in the car when I woke.. Her door was open. Maybe she get out to get help.. Wait, that does not make any sense.. A 7 year old? Calling for help? Maybe it's possible.. Where am I anyway? Better check my Iphone.. *searching jacket* Wait, where is it? I thought I put it... Claire.. Maybe she took my Iphone when I'm faint. Maybe she called 911.. Well, I better search for her..

*walking to the top of the hill*

About five minutes later..

Finally, I've made it.. But, where is... Hmm? What's this? A signboard?


It was night time... My daughter, she kept saying things, imagine things.. Things that usually never described by a normal 7 year old.. She always says that she saw a burned town.. Spooky and there were blood covered everywhere.. Then, she muted for a while and then said.. " Daddy, bring me to Silent Hill.. There are unfinished buisness that you haven't solve!!" Then, she fainted..

Then I talked to myself.. Silent Hill?? I never heard of it before but the weird part was.. When I heared the word SILENT HILL, I got headache.. Very painful.. It lasts for about a few seconds.. So, I decided to investigate about Silent Hill.. I went to my study room at the second floor and then start Googleling about Silent Hill..

A few seconds later, the results came.. There were many article about Silent Hill..
Burned coal fire, abandon buling, mysteries, ghost town, etc etc.. Then, there was one article that caught my eye.. It was a blog, but it wasn't Silent Hill but instead, Castletown Hill.. From the information given between Silent Hill and Castletown Hill, the results are the same.. Then I found out that the writer of this blog was a survivor of Castletown Hill mascare.. Then, 200,000 comments are also from the new and previous survivors of Castletown Hill..

But, the weird part was.. What does it has to do between me and Silent Hill? What did happened there? All I know that I was transfered to New York three days after my birth.. So, maybe.. just maybe.. That three days earlier, I was born at Silent Hill..
I don't know that wheather it is true or not..

And so, that night... I decided to bring my daughter along with me to Silent Hill.
Maybe, there are answers about my daughter's weird behaviour and my past..
We left our home at about 11.00 pm and head to Silent Hill...