Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chapter One continued......

Welcome to Silent Hill.. Silent Hill.. Maybe she called for help here..

*walking while enter Silent Hill*

This town.. It's quiet.. Too quiet.. No wonder it's called Ghost Town.. The town of Silent Hill was foggy.. Or haze maybe but it's cold.. Like a semi-blizzard kind..
I hope that there are somebody in this town. "Claire?? Claire??!!", I yelled. Where is she? Where could she be?? So I continue walking until I reached a cafe. I entered the cafe, it was dark. Good thing I brought a flashlight. Then, I turned on my flashlight. I was surprised when the light pointed to a lady. 55 years old maybe. Then I asked her.

"Excuse me mam.. Have you seen my daughter?? She's seven.. About erm.. The tall of that tiny cupboard. Here's her picture.."

I showed Claire's picture that was taken from my wallet.

"Hmm.. never seen her before.. What's the matter? Does she run away from home?", the lady replied.

" No.. No.. We had a car crash and I was fainted instantly. And, when I woke up, she was gone.. "

" So, you're not from here aren't you? ", the lady asked.

" No, no.. Actually I'm here because something caught my mind. ", I replied.

" Hmm.. In that case, how about you go the police station just a mile from here. Do you need a map sir? "

" Oh yes mam.. Do you have it? ", I asked.

" Yes, here. Take it. " the lady lend the map.

" Thank you very much. ", and then I got out from the cafe and then I stepped on something.. I looked down and it was my Iphone. I took it immediately to check whether it's broken or not and thank god, it's still works. So, I'm on my way to the police station guided by the map. The GPS signal did not work here..

Half steps later, I received a call from.. Home?? I answered the call.

" Hello?? Who is this? Why are you in my house?? "

Then it was like the sound of a broken TV heard from the call.

" kzzzt.. kzzt.. Daddy??.... kzzt.. "

" Claire?? Claire? How did you get home?? "

" kzzzt.. kzzt.. Daddy.. kzzt.. you must run daddy!!.. kzzzt.. It's to dangerous.. "

" Dangerous? Sweety?? Are you okay? Who took you home?? "

" There are too many.. kzzzzt.. you must run daddy!! kzzzt.. you can't fight them! "

" What many? Fight them? Claire?? "

" kzzzt... Daddy RUN!!! kzzzt.. " ( off call )

" Claire?? Sweetie?? Claire?!! Damn it!! Wait a minute.. Run from what? "

Then the wall starts to crumble and the ground starts shaking.. The trees, cars, buildings turned to ice.. Snow were everywhere.. The sky was dark.. It's gets colder and colder.. What's happening here?? What's going on?? Why is everything changing to solid ice?? Then, there was me.. Alone..

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