Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Chapter One : Welcome to Silent Hill

December 14th, 2009...
11.40 pm..

According to my iPhone GPS.. Silent Hill was not found via sattelite. Maybe the town was erased or something.. Then I switch it to 'Internet' and click 'Google Chrome'..
So, I searched again the article and click on 'Map - Road to Silent Hill'.
Well, right now I'm at... Fordson Highway. From here to there, it'll take me an hour.
But not from the highway, I need to use a road which is far from the highway. There, I will find a signboard with three directions.

1. Castletown Hill
2. Silent Hill
3. Yellowstone

Yep... It's going to be a night of a lifetime.. So, I followed the original map as navigated..

12.40 am..

I'm getting all tired.. My eyes felt heavy.. But I have to keep driving. As I looked beside me, my lovely daughter Claire sleeping. Meanwhile, I heard a motor engine sound came from behind. As I looked through the back mirror, I saw a police motorcycle trying to catch me. I don't know why, or maybe that I'm a stranger in this road. Weirdly, the police officer just drove and passed by me with lightspeed.
" What's the matter with that woman? Drunk or something? ", I spoke to myself.
About two minutes later, while driving, I saw the officer's motorcyle, crashed beside the road, with no driver. " Weird.", I said.. Then I saw a signboard mentioned in the article. So I took the center road to go to Silent Hill. Silent Hill is located beside Castletown Hill. But, Silent Hill is at the other side of the hill, lower than Castletown Hill. Silent Hill is not far and I could see that I'm gonna reach the top hill but out of nowhere, I saw a shadowy figure on the road. It was a girl!! I tried to avoid the girl and then my car lost control. The car was spinning so fast until Claire woke up. Claire and I scream and the car hit the left side of the hill with a big BANG!! My eyes were deceive.. I can't move and then I fainted..

That morning..

" Ermh... Erh... erh.. " *panting* " Ww..Wh..What happened?.. Argh.. my head.. All I remember was the crash.... and that girl..... huhh.... Claire, are you o..... Claire?? Claire??!!".. *get out from car* "Claire?? Claire where you?? Where are you sweetie??!! Claire!! God!!"..

Claire was not in the car when I woke.. Her door was open. Maybe she get out to get help.. Wait, that does not make any sense.. A 7 year old? Calling for help? Maybe it's possible.. Where am I anyway? Better check my Iphone.. *searching jacket* Wait, where is it? I thought I put it... Claire.. Maybe she took my Iphone when I'm faint. Maybe she called 911.. Well, I better search for her..

*walking to the top of the hill*

About five minutes later..

Finally, I've made it.. But, where is... Hmm? What's this? A signboard?

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